The average house price on SOFFHAM CLOSE is £89,247
The most expensive house in the street is 46 SOFFHAM CLOSE with an estimated value of £136,487
The cheapest house in the street is 35 SOFFHAM CLOSE with an estimated value of £49,445
The house which was most recently sold was 38 SOFFHAM CLOSE, this sold on 21 Mar 2022 for £81,000
The postcodes for SOFFHAM CLOSE are HU7 4DQ, HU7 4DG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 SOFFHAM CLOSE Terraced £73,273 £53,000 15 Jan 2016
6 SOFFHAM CLOSE Terraced £81,622 £48,000 1 Feb 2013
8 SOFFHAM CLOSE Terraced £82,184 £66,500 6 Dec 2019
33 SOFFHAM CLOSE Terraced £83,169 £35,000 25 Jun 2003
34 SOFFHAM CLOSE Terraced £96,714 £55,000 26 May 2006
35 SOFFHAM CLOSE Terraced £49,445 £28,000 21 Apr 2006
38 SOFFHAM CLOSE Terraced £84,559 £81,000 21 Mar 2022
40 SOFFHAM CLOSE Terraced £102,949 £60,000 19 Sep 2006
42 SOFFHAM CLOSE Semi-Detached £102,624 £60,000 5 Oct 2012
46 SOFFHAM CLOSE Semi-Detached £136,487 £79,950 16 Aug 2010
55 SOFFHAM CLOSE Terraced £88,693 £52,500 13 Nov 2006